When Is The Best Time To Fish For Salmon [Detailed Explained]

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Fishing is like an addiction, and the best example is my uncle. Fishing salmon is his favorite. The question is, what’s the best time to fish for salmon?

The perfect time to fish for salmon is from May to September, which is peak time for salmon fishing. Not all the species have the same peak time for fishing.

For example, the best time for King salmon fishing is in May. If you want to fish for silver salmon, the best time is in November. In this article, I wish to explain the best time to fish for salmon and all the other information you need.

What Is Turnover

The interchange of surface and bottom water in a lake or pond is known as “turnover.” Turnover takes place twice a year. You will find it in spring and summer.

It will provide a much more successful trip if you understand the turnover, what kind of water fish enjoy, and when it’s best to fish for them.

The Turnover In Spring

When the temperature reaches 39 degrees, the water on the surface gets replaced by cold water from below.

The rotation continues until the water temperature is uniform over the entire body of water. During this time, the fish prefer to stay closer to the surface, where the water warms up faster.

The Time Between Spring and Fall Turnover

In summer, The sun heats the surface of the water. So the surface becomes warmer, followed by a slightly cold layer of water called stratification.

Fish prefer cooler water, but they also require the increased oxygen levels found in warmer water. As a result, they’ll move to the “thermocline,” where they’ll stay warm. It is the area between the two water temperatures.

Turnover Of Fall

The surface of the water changes as the temperatures fluctuate, similar to the spring turnover. As the weather cools, the surface water cools as well. Strong fall winds mix the two water levels by moving the surface water around. Fish can swim freely when the water temperature becomes consistent.

Best Time Of The Day

Best time to fish for salmon

There are certain times of the day which are suitable are fishing salmon. Below is a discussion about that.

Spring Early Morning

The sun is low, so the water is cold. Fish are not biting at the moment, and not the best time to catch salmon. Don’t be disappointed. The fish are hungry during the winter and probably will leave in about a week.

Spring Late Morning-Early Afternoon

Fish are biting on and off. The water is warmed up, and fishes are pushed to the shore by the wind.

Spring Afternoon Early Evening

Do you know why this is the best time to fish for salmon? Because of their faster metabolism and digestion, fish are always hungry. The water is warmer because the light is directly overhead and can penetrate the water more efficiently.

Summer Morning

Fishing is best immediately before sunup to mid-morning during the summer months. Summer late mornings are not suitable for fishing as they dive deeper into the water.

Summer Afternoon

Because the water cools and the fish rise to the surface below, fishing is best from early dusk to dark.

Fall Morning

Late mornings are a good time for fishing. In the early morning, fish are not biting because the water is too cool. That means zero luck in fishing. In late mornings fish bite in the warmer part of the water.

Fall Afternoon

Fall afternoons are the best time of day to fish for salmon because the sun is directly overhead, and the water is at a more comfortable temperature. The fish are trying to gain weight for the following winter, and that’s why this makes for superb fishing vacations in Alaska.

If you want to know how to fish for salmon, there is much information on the internet that can help you.

Different Species Of Salmon

There are five main species of salmon. Some are big and strong, and some are tiny. For a better fishing experience, you should know about them.

King Salmon

The best time to fish for King salmon in Alaska is mid-May to July. For a good reason, King Salmon is Alaska’s most prized catch. It is Alaska’s official state fish. King Salmon are difficult to catch and usually weigh around 30 pounds.

Silver Salmon

The peak time for silver salmon is July to September. The tenacious Coho Salmon, sometimes known as Silver Salmon, is the fastest and most potent of the five salmon species, making for an exciting fight when trapped.

Red Salmon

Mid-June to mid-August is the prime time for fishing Red salmon.

The strange-looking Sockeye or Red Salmon can be found in abundance in Alaska. They are the most plentiful of the five salmon species, and they are also the most delectable. So, to fill your coolers, you may want to catch as many as you can get.

Pink Or Humpback Salmon

Prime time to fish for pink salmon is mid-July to mid-August. These are the tiniest of all Salmon species, weighing roughly 5 pounds on average; however, larger specimens are not unusual. They have a lifespan of two years. So you may need to target them in even-numbered years.

Chum Or Silverbite Salmon

The peak time to fish for chum salmon is mid-July to mid-August. They are easily found on the coastal side of Alaska. Sometimes they are called dirty dogs because they will fight back hard when hooked up.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which species is the most pricey fish among the five major salmon species?

  King salmon is the most pricey salmon and the official state fish of Alaska.

2. Which fish is the smallest among salmon?

  Pink salmon is the smallest salmon fish.

3. What is the peak time to fish for Red salmon?

  The peak time for fishing Red salmon is mid-June to Mid August.

4. Which is the most delicious among all salmon?

  Red salmon is the most delicious of all salmon species.

5. What is the best tide for fishing salmon?

 Smaller tides are best for fishing salmon.

6. What is the best time for salmon fishing in Alaska?

Summer is the best time for fishing salmon in Alaska.


As I said before, fishing is like an addiction. It is also fun. It is better to know that male salmon are more delicious than female salmon. So remember to fish male salmon for better taste.

As you can see, there are good and bad times to fish. According to specialists, the best time to fish for salmon is the summer season. So, when planning your next fishing in Alaska, make sure to factor in turnovers and time of day, as these factors can significantly impact your trip’s outcome.

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