Tips and Tricks on How to Cast Surf Rod

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Surf rods are made to help you cast the line at longer distances. When you go surf fishing, you often need to cast beyond the long and wide waves. Thus, your best choice to beat the waves would be the long surf rod.

However, you need to learn how to cast a surf rod properly with control over its length. It is crucial as these rods for surf fishing grow up to 12ft to 15ft and needs different technique. You should set the fishing line at least 2 ft-3 ft away from the end of the surf rod for easy casting. Also, you need to hold the fishing line and know how to accommodate the rod and turn your body for distance casting.

Our guideline describes these surf casting techniques with tips to cast in long distances. So, let’s go deep into the discussion.

How to Cast Surf Rod: The Steps Described?

how to cast surf rod

Anglers use surf rods on coastlines and seashores to beat the rising waves and reach deep into the water to get the fish in abundance. The rods can be of both baitcasting and spinning. However, the basic method to cast the rod remains the same.

  1. We all know that practice makes us all perfect. So, you should begin with some good practice for the surf rod casting. First off, get a 2-ounce sinker. Then, you should tie it with the fishing line end. This practice will help you learn the art of adding your favorite bait or hook with the surf rod line.
  2. Then, you have to reel the ling with the surf rod. Leave at least 2ft to 3ft of fishing line from the surf rod end for best casting accuracy. This part-away reeling of the line will improve your accuracy and comfort.
  3. The surf rods are unthinkably long, with the longest reaching up to 20ft. Thus, you have to hold it with both hands for better control. Your dominating hand (preferably the right hand) will be right above the fishing reel. Put your other hand close to the fishing rod bottom.
  4. Next, you have to hold the fishing line for the surf casting rigs securely against the rod. You should use the index finger of your right hand for this purpose. Make sure that you have held the line snugly and it doesn’t fall off in the ground.
  5. Next, you have to flip the bail. Use your left hand to flip the bail and hold the rod after that. Make sure your right index finger is holding the fishing line against the rod during this entire flipping process.
  6. Now, stand at the edge of your waterline from where you want to throw the fishing line. The key is to keep your left foot right close to the water, and the right foot should be behind it. Stand in the way that you feel comfortable without putting too much stress on your feet.
  7. With your left hand positioned forward, you need to hold the surf rod up vertically. It is the pre-casting step for the surf rod.
  8. You should position the surf rod vertically as high as possible. It will allow you to reach a longer distance for the line. Now, dip the surf rod right away from the water. Now the sinker that you connected earlier will come in handy.  Swing it away from the fishing water and up vertically to cast the rod.
  9. You have to turn your body slightly now. The turn should happen away from the fishing water and on the right side.  The process will be completed when you swing the sinker on the rod.
  10. As you keep swinging the sinker and the line, they will eventually come to a horizontal position in a few moments. At this point, push your body forward that you moved sideways earlier.
  11. As your body moves quickly towards the water, pull down the surf rod using your left hand. Then, push the line and rod forward. You will use the right hand for this purpose.
  12. Now, quickly release your index finger to allow the fishing line to go into the water. Make sure that the surf rod is still swinging right towards the water.
  13. The sinker will fly to the water. Look at it closely and ensure that your rod is pointed properly right towards the direction during its releasing time. Otherwise, you will end up casting in the wrong place. So, you have to start the entire process once again. Thus, ensuring the right direction of the swinging rod is important.
  14. Check when the sinker hits the water. You have to flip back the casting bail once the sinker reaches the water. The aim is to reel back the bail. In rocky water, you should allow the sinker to sink to understand the water condition. Then bail off the reel.

When you follow these surf rod casting steps, you should be able to cast it properly. But how about reaching the casting distance you always wanted?

Here’s where we have it covered.

The Best Long-Distance Surf casting Techniques

  1. The right rod should be around 10ft to 15ft with a 1-8 ounces weight carrying capacity. Choose the rod action properly from heavy, medium-heavy, and medium.
  2. Using a shock leader at the end of your primary fishing line will be useful. Use an overhead knot to tie the shock leader for secure attachment.
  3. For the spinning cast, use a finger guard and thumb guard for the bait caster. It will help protect the thumb and finger from any cuts and injuries.
  4. You should pick an aerodynamic sinker for reaching long distances with the rod. Also, it should be strong enough to stand the powerful current.
  5. Many fishers use one large single bait chunk. While it is still a good idea, you can opt for several chunks with small sizes for better lining against a strong current.


Manu beginner surf anglers think that casting surf rods is difficult. But this is not true. These steps on how to cast surf rods properly should help you with the cause. Also, we have included tips for surf fishing long cast to help you reach as far as possible with the line.

The key is to hold the line properly and align your body movement with the swing of the line to help it reach the deepest part of the water. And when you beat the waves, the large fish will be worthy of your practice and hard work.

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